Mueller MWrap Coloured Underwrap | Physical Sports First Aid

Mueller MWrap Coloured Underwrap


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52.00 Grams
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The coloured version of our best-selling Mueller MWrap Foam Underwrap. Use this foam underwrap under strapping tape to protect the skin from rubbing and from the tape adhesive. Can also be used as a multi-purpose wrap. For instance, tie around the head to form a hairband, or tie around socks and sleeves to hold them up.

Coloured MWrap is supplied in rolls of 7cm x 27m. Available in red, blue, green or black.

  • 5

    Posted by Unknown on 29th Aug 2017

    This underwrap works well for me. There is a knack to applying it but once you get the hang of it it does the job. Nice that it comes in colours.

  • 1
    Mueller M-Wrap

    Posted by Unknown on 6th Sep 2016

    Has no use at all, cannot hold your socks up with it, its foam, not sticky at all. Won't be using this site again.

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