Large Orange Wall Cabinet

Physical Sports First Aid

£46.80 (Inc. VAT)
£39.00 (Ex. VAT)
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A robust wall cabinet in bright orange ABS plastic, measuring 40 x 26 x 13cm. Suitable for storage of defibrillators, first aid equipment or emergency gear. This cabinet comes with a snap-in bracket allowing it to be mounted to walls or to vehicle bulkheads. In an emergency, the cabinet can be quickly dismounted from the bracket and carried like a first aid box.

  • Cabinet door features a rubber seal to protect against water ingress
  • Available with a choice of large stickers: defibrillator, first aid or eyewash station
  • Optional alarm will emit a loud signal when the door is opened

Please note, we have tested this cabinet with the Philips Heartstart HS1 and FRX automated external defibrillators: they fit inside. For other models of defibrillator, please check the measurements. The optional door alarm is available for an extra charge, please select above. Your choice of sticker is free.


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