Bomb Blast First Aid Kit

Selles Medical

£137.22 (Inc. VAT)
£114.35 (Ex. VAT)
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This Bomb Blast First Aid Kit is designed to cover major incidents, and includes lots of large sterile wound dressings and burn dressings to cope with serious injuries. The kit is supplied in a high-quality, 1680D polyester hold-all measuring approx 45 x 27 x 25cm. The bag has a very large capacity, and the top panel zips all the way back so the user can reach directly in to grab what they need. The bag is available in black, green or orange. This kit is also available contents only, as a 'refill' pack.


  • 6 x Medium First Aid Dressing
  • 8 x Large First Aid Dressing
  • 10 x Triangular Bandage
  • 4 x Ambulance Dressing No 4
  • 3 x Maxiflex Multi Absorbent Dressing 300 × 450mm
  • 3 x Trauma Dressing
  • 4 x Extra Absorbent Sterile Dressing Pad 20 x 20cm
  • 4 x Conforming Bandages 10cm x 4m
  • 4 x Burn Dressing 10 × 10cm
  • 1 x Burnshield Hydrogel 118ml
  • 5 x Sterile Saline Eyewash Pods 20ml
  • 6 x Pair Vinyl Gloves (non-sterile, powder-free)
  • 6 x Eye Pad Dressings with Bandage
  • 40 x Non Alcohol Wipe
  • 6 x Foil Blanket
  • 10 x Adhesive Dressing 10 × 9cm
  • 20 x Waterproof Assorted Plasters
  • 1 x Tufkut Scissors
  • 1 x Microporous Tape 2.5cm x 10m
  • 1 x Resuscitation Face Shield